SASoft offers mobile apps, development, integration and B2B.

Mobile Apps

Specialising in iOS and Android, Native and HTML5 apps, Industrial and Phone devices, we help you solve your problems expertly and at budget pricing.

B2B and Integration

We apply several decades of expertise to help you with your automated integration needs.


Use our development services to get the solution you want and need from Mobile Apps and Web Technologies to Desktop Applications.

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Some of our clients

  • CHEP South Africa
  • The Matthew Willman Foundation for Visual Arts
  • Varsity College, Westville
  • Action Training
  • Retail Trading
  • Marshall Security
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We're easy to work with

We bring a rich variety of skillsets to the table and many decades of experience — but we talk your language and we lower the barrier to entry and you will find we are not your average techno-junkie startup!

The basic rule is we do everything, except if it is daft. While we are all technology fans, we love to get to know your domain and then — preferably in close co-operation with you — build a system that supports it perfectly. We will build it in an agile fashion to minimize risk and ensure we build the right thing. We’ll deliver something that matches your requirements quickly, and we use whatever technology makes the most sense for the given project. Contact us to discuss your situation

An Award Evening A passion for the outdoors The office in Kloof A view from the office

About Us

A Software House based in Kloof, with extensive skillsets. We love relationship !

We are a software development house overlooking the beautiful coastal city of Durban, South Africa. Passionate about technology and bringing together advanced technological solutions and satisfied customers, we pride ourselves on providing customised solutions as per customer requirements. We also provide a range of our own software products incorporating server systems, .NET desktop applications,web applications using .NET and php technologies and multi-platform phone applications. With experience in developing systems for smaller businesses and in servicing corporate needs, we provide an all-round software solution for any application. We pay as much attention to our customers’ success as our own. As we said, we love relationship with our customers!

SA Software was formed in 2014 by two independent software developers, Mark Willman and Charles Atkinson, who after collaborating on various projects decided that a combined entity would create a unique offering of skills and expertise highly refined in the software development market.

Mark points out that the most satisfying thing for him is seeing the impact his business has on clients. Whether it is saving the large corporations huge sums of money or making the smaller suppliers an electronic equal to the large enterprises.

We are contracted to Microsoft and other top-tier hosting service providers to be able to offer online hosting with guaranteed uptimes and support agreements

We also have a number of inhouse products you can utilise that covers Field Force management, Task, Financial, Incident and Workflow. See our Products section above for more info.

Portrait Mark Portrait Charles
Mark Willman and Charles Atkinson are the two owners of South African Software House (Pty)Ltd.

Together they bring over 40 years of experience to the business from both corporate and private enterprise, the two directors of SA Software have provided services to a variety of industries and have accumulated a wealth of expertise in the Logistics, Security, Retail and Manufacturing sectors, having authored high-grade industrial and public applications in all facets of the Software Development Life Cycle.
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